The Bureau of Immigration barred 145 foreigners convicted of sex crimes in their home countries from January to November of the 2018.
BI Port Operations Division Chief Grifton Medina said the number of registered sex offenders denied entry is slightly lower than the 165 sex convicts intercepted in the same period of 2017. Full Article
The Philippines prospered greatly when the US was posted at Subic Bay
The Philippines, although they outlaw prostitution, allow bar girls to be taken away from their job (sex) for a price
The Philippines sponsor safe sex of bar girls by doing gov’t held HIV checks
Pres Duterte murders even those suspected of using drugs and directed by their president
The Philippines gave the southern island to terrorists groups and asked for help fighting them
The great majority of their citizens live in poverty while the rich get richer
And last… the Philippines follow after the USA’s fear and hysteria of sex trafficking by punishing all convicted of a sex crime.
This is just disgusting. I know of several coworkers from the Philippines who make a yearly trek back to visit the child brothels. They go as far as keeping pictures on their cell phones of naked young girls. I call them pedos, because that is what they are. I don’t talk with them generally, and feel like turning them into US authorities. Only reason I do not is, I don’t wish my worst enamy to be on the registry.
So they ban anyone with a sex convictionfrom visiting the Philippines, all the while their own countryman screw young girls with impunity. What a bunch of hypocrites.
I have no wish to go there anyway.
This is funny! I’ve visited PI many times. It’s crazy, but there are whore houses all over! There are bars all over the place and young women go there nightly to pick up clients! It’s nuts. Then, you will be driving and see what appears to be storage businesses? No. They have hotels where you drive in and they close a gate behind you for privacy (affairs/prostitution)! There (I won’t name which) are certain cuties where massage parlor (whore houses) are lined one one after another! It’s crazy! It’s a poor desperate country. Prostitution is rampant. Yet, the President is executing and jailing marijuana smokers in this primarily Catholic Country, but doing nothing with the bars, dance clubs, brothels and massage parlors that serve as fronts for whore houses/prostitution. The Philippines is one of the most dishonest and everyone (givernment) is on the take $! Disturbing and very dishonest article.
In related news
The president constantly jokes about rape and all the women he has been with. And now he talks about how he used to molest his maid.
So yeah it’s hypocritical as hell to ban us for a single mistake over a decade ago.
I was blacklisted in the Philippines in July of 2016, and remained in the Philippines Airlines waiting room for 3 days until I was sent back home to Hawaii. So My trip to the Philippines was all for nothing. I was blacklisted for a sexual assault which occurred over 45 years ago, with no repeat offense. It was a young & foolish offense that never repeated again. Yet, I had been going to the Philippines since 2008, sometimes 2 times a year, spending about $4,000 to $6,000 each time, paying cash. And each time I visited a filipino girl, AND commited no wrongdoing at all in that country. Just relaxed & enjoyed times spent at the Malls. But the Immigration there, Jaime Morente, denied my request to remove the Blacklist. One friend told me that the Phillipines is one of the most corrupted countries in the world, and yet denied me entry – for a 45 years old crime. All laughs!! I am 71 years old, and always obey the laws.